电玩巴士 > 单机 > 正文
来源: Steam 作者: TGBUS整编 2019-06-05 10:45
《回到1995》(Back In 1995)是Throw The Warped Code Out制作的一款恐怖冒险解谜游戏。下面分享一下Steam上改款游戏的成就有哪些...

《回到1995》(Back In 1995)是Throw The Warped Code Out制作的一款恐怖冒险解谜游戏。该游戏故意使用了简陋多边形风格、特别扭曲的贴图以及相当难以处理的操作和低分辨率画面,旨在营造出一种早期PlayStation和世嘉土星机时代的老恐怖游戏风格。



Are you still here?

Clear the opening sequence.

How do we arm first?

Get pipewrench

If life were only like this

Clear first stage

Kids playing with guns

Get pistol

Life moves pretty fast

Clear second stage

Welcome to the middle of the game

Clear third stage

Looking for really big gun

Get shotgun

New word for the day.

Clear fourth stage

It's over. Go home.

Clear game

The fourth dimension wall

Collect Dr.Randell newsclips.

Did I play video games because I was miserable?

You came back there.